Truenat Malaria PvPf

Truenat Malaria PvPf
Truenat Malaria PvPf
The Truelab Real Time micro PCR System enables decentralization and near patient diagnosis of P. vivax and P. falciparum malaria by making real time PCR technology rapid, simple, robust and user friendly and offering “sample to result” capability even at resource limited settings. This is achieved through a combination of lightweight, TM portable, mains / battery operated Truelab Uno Dx Real Time micro PCR Analyzer and Trueprep MAG/AUTO Sample Prep Device and room temperature stable Truenat micro PCR chips and TM Trueprep MAG/AUTO Sample Prep kits so that even the peripheral laboratories with minimal infrastructure and minimally trained technician can easily perform these tests routinely in their facilities and report PCR results in less than an hour. Moreover, with these devices PCR testing can also be initiated in the field level, on site.
Truenat Malaria Pv/Pf is a disposable, room temperature stable, chip-based Real Time PCR test with dried MgCl in reaction well and freeze dried PCR reagents in microtube for performing Real Time PCR 2 test for detection and diagnosis of Plasmodium vivax and Plasmodium falciparum and runs on the Truelab Real Time micro PCR Analyzer. It requires only six (6) µL of purified DNA to be added to the reaction well for the analysis. The intelligent chip also carries test and batch related information including standard values for quantitation. The Truenat Malaria Pv/Pf chip also stores information of used test to prevent any accidental re-use of the test.
Full package insert: Truenat Malaria Pv/Pf
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